The Head-to-Toe Guide on Dressing Like a PDX Hipster

October 30, 2017

The Head-to-Toe Guide on Dressing Like a PDX Hipster

And after you've followed all these instructions, don't forget the most important rule: don't look like you're trying.


1. The Hat

You've got several routes you can go here: the casual beanie, the hip fedora, or the classy newsboy cap. Choose wisely, because this really defines your whole look.

2. The Glasses

Don't need glasses? We don't care! But even if they are fake, make sure they aren't those cheap ones with no actual glass. That's just tacky.


3. The Scarf

The thicker, the better. Is it summer? Too hot? Well, TOO BAD. Just throw on your thickest scarf over a tank top and shorts to make up for it.


4. The Shirt

Indie hipster? Your shirts should be all about those wolves and Native American symbols. Classy hipster? Just a solid v-neck will do.


5. The Flannel

Being a hipster is all about layering, after all. Throw over that tee a nice plaid flannel or a classy structured jacket.

6. The Coat

We're not done with layers yet! Every hipster needs a peacoat, preferably several in multiple colors. 


7. The Bottoms

Skinny skinny skinny. And cuffed at the ankles. Do that, and it's hard to go wrong.


8. The Shoes

When it comes to shoes, it's all about the leather and the laces.


9. The Bag

Here, it's all about the messenger bag. Leather, big enough for your MacBook, and easy to ride a bike with.

10. Final Touches

After you've got the basics down, add any combination of the following: a bow tie, your grandmother's jewelry, multiple bracelets, an old fashioned camera, and/or a coffee cup from an independent coffee shop.